Thursday, August 18, 2011

Falling in love with a good friend. Need advice as whether she might feel the same.?

Okay so lately I have been talking to a girl who I became friends with through my ex a while back. We always enjoyed eachothers company. About a week ago at a bar I told her I liked her and she said she liked me too. I then said, is the problem because of my ex? She said sorta. So after that night she got swine flu and I haven't seen her in a week until last night. We planned on watching the meteor shower together so we met up and hung out in her car at the beach. She still didn't feel 100%so we didn't kiss. She let me put my arm around her and play with her hair. I then placed my hand in hers and she did that rubbing thing with her fingers. Does this mean she's interested? At the end we hugged goodbye and she told me she didnt want to get me sick. Is that cause she didn't want to kiss or she really didnt want to get me sick? Im confused and really feel like I have fallen in love with a friend.

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