Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What do these dreams mean?

I have had 4 dreams in a row the past couple of nights and 3 of them were ual. they are kinda long but these are the short points of them. The first night I dreamed about I was going out with a girl that looked like my friend but it wasn't, and whenever we kissed or something like that I had this weird shocking feeling that didn't hurt it was just weird.. The second night I dreamed about being in a gas station deli and seeing a corpse behind the gl and after a few minutes I heard its head blow up and everyone saying "ewww gross". Then I went to go get a drink and my cup broke so I was saying $#!T, $#!T and all that, and somehow my step mom heard me and said something like "that's some colorful language there" and I remember saying stuff like STFU! and all that and I remember getting into a whole verbal fight.. Then on the third night (my favorite) I found myself in a house with my friend walking down a hallway with a smile followed by a really pretty girl from our school, but I knew they just had $ex. So I say sarcastically "so is it my turn" and she says "uhh ok sure" so we go back and start doing the sideways monster mash and I wake up after like 5 mins.. Then on the fourth night, I find myself at my middle school at lunch period. I go and talk with friends and all that then I go to see a movie on campus (??) and suddenly I am in it.. Its another guy, a shy Beautiful woman, and two Victoria Justice's in a parking garage. I jump on the twins (and yeah I think u know), but then after the guy takes me to a closet with the woman in it but right before we kiss I fall through the floor into a burning building and that's all I remember.. So if any Professional could help me im really confused about what is going on... btw, this is a Juvenal dream, it wasn't pionate.

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