Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is it because it is my first pregnancy?

My baby was due on the 23rd and that night my mucus plug came out, Im just so anxious and I know that she will be here soon because I went for a stress test yesterday and I am due for an induction on tuesday. Does this happen with alot of first pregnancies? And I am still just 2cm, but im not sure how effaced because I have had alot of membranes coming out of me lately. O ladies the anticipation is killing me, lol I just want my baby to come out and be with me already but it seems like she likes it better in my belly. Everyone keeps saying to me "O she'll be here before tuesday" but I know she wont, I can feel it in my body, shes chilling in there. And I have been so tired, all I want to do is sleep. IDK ladies this baby is teasing me.

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