Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What do you think about my article on the Age of Aquarius?

To me, the Age of Aquarius has already begun. We are reaching the era where there is battle between the Age of Pisces and Age of Aquarius. So right now is a stage of transition, one is ending and another is on the rise. We can see it today, religion is seems to be losing the battle to science and technology. We are advancing in knowledge and understanding of each other. Higher learning and equality is expanding. It will take about another estimated 500 years where the Age of Pisces will be non-existent and the true birth of Age of Aquarius will begin. So until year 2500, we have to be able to contribute to the world by showing equality and freedom. As time goes on, people will start to realize their mistakes and conform to new and improved ideas. The day when science proves that religion is a myth, is the first full day of the Age of Aquarius.

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