Sunday, August 14, 2011

Debate over citizenship of immigrants?

I would suggest you exercise caution in mixing today's immigration problems with the immigration of years gone by. America has always maintained a healthy and welcomed "legal" immigration program. For the past ten years though our immigration laws have been ignored to a point they have become a joke. You ask "What's wrong with diversity,": I say America thrives on diversity but America is a land of laws established to ensure the quality of life in our nation. That is one reason why we have always been the nation of choice! The United States has been overrun with illegals aliens from all over the country. Many have come here legally and remained after their Visa run out putting themselves in an illegal status. Other slip into our country illegally; both become criminals. We welcome "Legal" immigrants but are fed up wit "Illegal" aliens (they are not considered immigrants)! They come here and demand we give them privileges we do not even allow our own citizens. They run in gangs, commit crimes, they march in our streets, tear down our flag, and want us to change our laws to suit them. America does not need criminals and we do not need criminals to be rewriting our laws for us!

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