Saturday, August 13, 2011

HELP--Harold has consumed a sunflower seed!?

You moronic seed eating yankee. Your have doomed your life to living in greenhouse. Im sorry to hear of your pain. However, i had a predicament very similar to yours. I as a young little girl swallowed a watermelon seed. I loved that watermelon seed. I would water it and give it soil, hoping that one day it would finally bloom into the beautiful erfly. However, things did not go according to plan. In a freak accident this seed did not transform into a wondrous erfly but into a watermelon. I needed surgery to remove this ghastly thing from my system but it was unsuccessful. Sadly the watermelon stayed and made my hips HHHHUUUUUUGGGE. however, after much thinking i knew i needed to take action. The next day i drank 1000 cups of prune juice. I got into my sitting position and blasted a huge poop exploding not just my toilet but my whole room. it was a battlefield that I knew i had won. In your case though i have no fyckin idea what to do

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