Thursday, August 11, 2011

How do u come to terms with stuff.?

Ok well wen i was 13 my father was put in jail for a crime that he did not commit, and i no that for a fact because they said he hurt me and my sister ualy and i no he never touched me at all and my sister was with me twenty four seven, and then my mother took us kids away from our family that we grew up with and she stoped all contact and i never got to say bye to my grandmother, grandfather, aunts and uncles, cousens, and even my father, and my mother started abuseing me and my lil brother extreemly bad, and then she got back together with her high school sweet heart, and we moved to his house and this was about 2 years after she took us away from our family, and she and her boyfriend were abuseing me and my lil brother preaty darn bad, liek they would make us get up everyday at 5 o clock in tha morning and go out side sometimes bare foot, and then make us work like really hard work and then my moms bf would be hiting me and stuff and my mom would be laughing and be recording it on the video cam, and he would like be hiting me with wood, metal, hoses, just anythang he could pick up, and by now my liil bro and i have no self respect for ourselfs because for a long time people have told us we are nothing and will never be anythang, and then i ran away alot and the police would not do anythang they would just take me back to their place after they found me, and one day i got kicked out of school for fighting my older sister because she hates me and stuff and i no that bec she has told it to me since i was younder, anyway my mom and her bf sent me to a shelter and i was their for 4 weeks or so and then my mom let me move in wid my grandparents and one day i went to work and my lil bro ran away to my grandparents were i was and well they never came after him and he has been their sincdee then i moved away to a dif state bec i got in contact with my family my mom took me away from and i moved in their house, and while i was gone for all that time my grandmother ped away, and my dad is still in jail, and my family is fallin apart again my grand father married some lady that is mean and is trying to make him not have any contact with us, then one day i got a call and it turns out my moms bf was ing my sister and i have 3 , 1 is oler the other 2 are younger and i just dont no what t do, my moms bf is in jail now, but my mom is standing by him and not her own kids AGAIN so my mom does not have any of her kids anymore, and i dont no i am just so depressed i want to die so bad but i am not going to hurt myself really bad because of my younger sisters and brothers i have to stay alive to protect them the best i can, and in some way i fill it is my fault that, that happened to my sisters because wen we were in that other state befor she moves us with her bf, i could have turned my mother in for alot of child abuse but i didnt because i didnt want my family to get towarn apart even more, so i kept geting abused to keep us together, and i dont no what to do now, i mean i am in a good home they are nice to me and dont hurrt me and its just so new not to be geting hurt all tha time but now like i said i want to die so and i dont no how to come to terms with everythang so if u can pls help, and o ya i dont care that my spelling is bad ok so dont tell me that ok thanks for everythang

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