Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I want to lose about 5-10 kgs this year at least.. ?

Here's the trick chicky, drink tons and tons and tons of water. I hate water, but that's what is really gonna help you drop the pounds like up to 5 pounds a week from just doing that. Eating right and drinking water is like 85% of loosing weight, excercise is only a little part, but yes important. Eat 4 - 5 servings of fruit and vegies a day helps and you don't have to derive yourself of good stuff, quantity is everything!! Try and do 3 - 5 days of excercise, at least 30 minutes of cardio; walking fast or jogging. So in summery drink at least 8 cups of water i recommend 10 or more (60-70 ozs of water), watch the quantity of what you eat, fruits and vegies and excercise when you can with at least 30 min of cardio. Good luck :)

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