Saturday, August 13, 2011

Isn't it hard to become a star eg. kpop?

Maybe it's not that hard to become a k-pop star, if you have a good voice and can dance well and look okay, but once you started the following the celebrity path, it will be hard to maintain yourself on the top.They must be willing to work really hard, to sacrifice almost all their time to train in order to perform well.Also, apparently, some of the companies don't treat all the members in a fair way.Super Junior's former band member Han Geng left because of unfair treatment from his company, which led to his depressions, suicidal thoughts and health problems.Plus, there are companies who even don't allow their bands to date, but i don't think they'd even have time to do that.They all have bussy schedules, take a look at Suju's sort of arrogant Kim Heechul.He sings, dances, has his own radio show, is invited to various tv shows, needs to attend concerts,etc.How many people would be able to successfully juggle all this things?Very few.By looking at how busy their lives are, one could say they basically don't have a life outside their career.And i pretty much agree on that.Think how hard it will be for them to marry and find someone to love, someone who is willing to understand their complicated lives and stick by them under such conditions.If you watch things from this real perspectives, not many people would like to be in their shoes or trade lives with them.At least i know i wouldn't like their lifestyle, it's not worth it.You don't have time for your own life anymore.

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