Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Well I embarrased myself in cl today...?

So we're doing secret santa in one of my cles and I got this guy. We're supposed to write notes everyday to them. I was trying to give him a clue as to who I am, but it sort of backfired. I decided to use lyrics from Elton John's "Blue Eyes" because I have blue eyes, I thought it would be better than saying "Yep, I have blue eyes." But apparently I should have just written that because he started laughing when he was reading it. And one of the girls in my cl read it out loud. So now he thinks that his secret santa wrote a poem about him, bleh I don't even like him. So now I'm absolutely dreading Friday, when we let each other know who's secret santa we are. Ugh...What do I do? What do you think I should write on my note for him tomorrow? Please help...I'm freaking out here.

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