Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hi I have been searching the internet and need help?

I can't find a detailed free summary of The Firebrand by Marion Zimmer Bradley and can anyone help me?

What are THE songs I need to put on a CD for a new Widespread Panic listener?

Coconuts definately, Blue Indian, Mercy, Walkin, Meeting of the Waters, Drivin Song, Porch Song, Walkin, Greta, Hatfeild, Arleen, & Holden but there are grip loads more

Is it because it is my first pregnancy?

My baby was due on the 23rd and that night my mucus plug came out, Im just so anxious and I know that she will be here soon because I went for a stress test yesterday and I am due for an induction on tuesday. Does this happen with alot of first pregnancies? And I am still just 2cm, but im not sure how effaced because I have had alot of membranes coming out of me lately. O ladies the anticipation is killing me, lol I just want my baby to come out and be with me already but it seems like she likes it better in my belly. Everyone keeps saying to me "O she'll be here before tuesday" but I know she wont, I can feel it in my body, shes chilling in there. And I have been so tired, all I want to do is sleep. IDK ladies this baby is teasing me.

UEWA Returns Episode 1 results rate and promo?

good show- I am number one contender for the title and there aint nobody better then me and shaun you think your tough because you gave me a stunner well your a coward I could eat you for breakfest but all i am reallly saying is that your belt wont be on your shoulder or around your waist very long because I am the top UEWA superstar

Should I join the catholic faith?

I am soon going to be a year older, and I have been thinking a lot about faith and such. Pretty much all of my life I have never paid attention to religion. My parents never attended church regularly, and I am not even baptized. So for some reason I want to belong to something, something with more meaning. I am only familiar with catholicism since that is pretty much my family's religion. I would go to someone like a deacon, or a minister, or a preacher, or whatever! I just feel embared to ask certain questions just because I am pretty ignorant to the whole religion thing. So, if anyone can give me some insight on catholicism or maybe you have a suggestion on another religion I would greatly appreciate it.

Freedom without responsibility?

I have always felt that freedom is a right that should be treated responsibly. Used in such a manner that it does not infringe on the rights of others. Example, groups protesting at funerals of our fallen military. Groups forcing their will on others through slander, threats, intimidation. Why is freedom of speach so loosley interpreted, and groups like the ones disrupting funeral services allowed to continue?

When did SNL start having the hosts in their sketches?

I have reviewed the transcripts for the second episode hosted by Paul Simon (October 18, 1975) and he does do a few songs, but does appear in The Bees skit announcing that it's been cut since it didn't do well the previous week. Later he appears in a bit shown during the Weekend Update with Chevy Chase. It has Marv Alpert reporting while Paul Simon is shown going head-to-head with Connie Hawkins on a basketball court. That would constitute as appearing in more than just a musical number.

Falling in love with a good friend. Need advice as whether she might feel the same.?

Okay so lately I have been talking to a girl who I became friends with through my ex a while back. We always enjoyed eachothers company. About a week ago at a bar I told her I liked her and she said she liked me too. I then said, is the problem because of my ex? She said sorta. So after that night she got swine flu and I haven't seen her in a week until last night. We planned on watching the meteor shower together so we met up and hung out in her car at the beach. She still didn't feel 100%so we didn't kiss. She let me put my arm around her and play with her hair. I then placed my hand in hers and she did that rubbing thing with her fingers. Does this mean she's interested? At the end we hugged goodbye and she told me she didnt want to get me sick. Is that cause she didn't want to kiss or she really didnt want to get me sick? Im confused and really feel like I have fallen in love with a friend.

Why the hell do all the disney stars have to be 'singers'?

I guess they want to be rich and have a lot of money and yeah I agree with you.. All disney stars they stink at singing

Do I get wi-fi wherever with an iPad ?

No. You have to purchase a monthly 3g data plan from a cellphone carrier, which will probably cost between $30-$60US monthly, to have internet access EVERYWHERE. Did you buy the 3g capable iPad? Not sure if the non 3g version can accept a 3g dongle or not.

Is it really that Important to get a G.E.D?

Its stupid not to take the GED. Your limiting your chances of getting a good job at whatever field, and you are definately reducing your pay.

I have a '95 plymouth voyager and trying to fix the horn. the horn is not working?

neither is hte cruise control cna someon1 tell me if i need to replace the fuse for the horn and if so how. anyone else have that problem with the piece on the driver penger side dooring coming off? mine is like that one (and its a neww door) and so doe almost every other plymouth voyager i see

After the lockout, will Michael Bush and Zach Miller be with the Raiders?

I know Nnamdi Asomugha and Michael Huff WILL NOT be. How about Marcel Reece? They are all free agents, but which of them do you think will return to Oakland in 2011 after the lockout?

Help with a strange essay topic?

Think of anything that is rare - but not too rare - today. Usually something old-fashioned is good. I'm thinking of a fountain pen. With time, less and less of these old-fashioned products are made. The price of something increases with rarity. uming that 200 years of development provides a world that is completely digital, no one would gain any profit from making writing utensils. A fountain pen, when first invented, was only for royal or noble cles of society. The feather quill fell into disuse and fountain pens exploded in number. Today, fountain pens have been usurped by the ballpoint and are rather costly. It doesn't have to be a fountain pen; anything that fits this scenario sould work out.

What makes a Rudy Giuliani front runner besides his name and that he ran around giving interviews on 9/11?

I think people just know his name and that's why he rates high in polls, same as Billary. I can't think of any reason why anyone would vote for Giuliani.

What on EARTH is going on here?!?

Are you sure you don't like him just a little? I think he likes you. I think its no harm just flirting if he has a gf. If it goes farther than that while he is still with her, he is a jerk. I would not go anywhere with him.

How safe is the airport in bogota, colombia?

I'm looking at flights from atlanta to santiago, chile and they either make a stop in mexico city or bogota and I want to know which airport is safer

I don't know the name of this Beethoven work!!!!! Help please!!!?

There's an orchestral work of Beethoven's that i like very much, but i can't remember what it's called. I believe it's a symphony (maybe not), but if it is, it definitely isn't as well known as others such as the 5th or 9th symphonies. It's very legato and slow, and i know it's in a minor key. I know my description's pretty vague, but if anyone has a idea of what it might be or can give me a list of possibilities, that would be awesome!!!! thanks

Partisan Love?

The thing that we most definitely don't need is more parties. I agree that the partisan way of thinking is sometimes old though.

Can a indoor rabbit sleep outside?

hi, i have just brought a lion head mini rabbit, he stays indoors with the run of the flat when i am at home or just pop out for a short period of time. During the night or if i am out for a long period of time i put him back outside in his hutch. He has a large two story hutch with a snuggle and a rain proof cover to protect him from bad weather. Do you think this is to con fussing for him and will cause him stress? i am very concerned and am unsure of what to do please help.

Spelling of name (baby girl)?

I like Kiana the best....but Kiona is pretty too.. Keiona is nice as well and Keona is okay. Keyona is a no for me but it's not horrible and Keyonah & Keionah are both TOO much. keep it a little bit more simple. best wishes & good luck

How do I quote a dialogue between 2 people in my essay?

I would probably insert its own indented paragraph to set off the quote. It would be too hard to incorporate into an essay without separating it.

Having mixed company for Thanksgiving?

My husband and I have a small t-giving every year. His brothers wife cam into contact with her daughter that she gave up 20+ years ago. The daughter is gay, and has too much PDA for us , with her GF of 30 years her senior. This daughter also does not believe in God. We're what you would call "very catholic", we always say Grace at our holiday meals, I would like to actually eat my T-giving dinner this year! Is it wrong to not invite these people?

What is wrong with me?

my stomach is growling (not in the hungry way) & i keep farting! when i run or jump or even laugh i fart and when i lay on my stomach i fart,i have pooped about 6 times not diharea though & now my belly hurts.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is it unnormal to have 10 boys??????????????????????????…

I am amazed you find time to be on the computer with that many children regardless of their gender. I do know some families with large numbers of the same families. My husband's best friend had 7 brothers, no sisters. All singletons, though, no multiples for that mom! About all she had time for was cooking and laundry. I think having 10 children is a bit unusual and having them all be multiples as well as boys is probably quite rare. Sounds like something we should have seen on Good Morning, America. Your sons' names are fine. If you and your spouse like them that is really all the matters, I think.

I have a lower tummy problem and can not lose it,my husband calls it a kangaroo pouch,and I try lower abs ex?

Are you self conscious about it? If so go to your Doctors and explain how it makes you feel...i had a similar problem after my last c section. It blighted my life and i was depressed about it...i was given an tummy tuck on the NHS and have never regretted it....x

Why isn't Yahoo! Answers moderated?

They ran into the same problems with the forum service they had prior to Answers. All it would take is a couple of moderators but I guess a major multi-billion dollar corporation can't fork over that kinda money to ensure it's service is user friendly.

Did the Curt Shilling comment pound the final nail in Martha Coakley's coffin?

I said a few days ago that I heard camels' backs snapping all over Machusetts after the Shilling/Yankees comment. Was that the comment that put Brown over the top?

Reliable Hospital in Bangkok?

Most reliable hospitals have their own specialties. Please tell us what your real problem and we can recommend specific hospitals and can help you better.

Can someone please use the word undermine for me in 2 sentences and explain to me what the word means in..?

both of the sentences to help me to better understand the word. I don't get the definitions of this word there are so many.

What do these dreams mean?

I have had 4 dreams in a row the past couple of nights and 3 of them were ual. they are kinda long but these are the short points of them. The first night I dreamed about I was going out with a girl that looked like my friend but it wasn't, and whenever we kissed or something like that I had this weird shocking feeling that didn't hurt it was just weird.. The second night I dreamed about being in a gas station deli and seeing a corpse behind the gl and after a few minutes I heard its head blow up and everyone saying "ewww gross". Then I went to go get a drink and my cup broke so I was saying $#!T, $#!T and all that, and somehow my step mom heard me and said something like "that's some colorful language there" and I remember saying stuff like STFU! and all that and I remember getting into a whole verbal fight.. Then on the third night (my favorite) I found myself in a house with my friend walking down a hallway with a smile followed by a really pretty girl from our school, but I knew they just had $ex. So I say sarcastically "so is it my turn" and she says "uhh ok sure" so we go back and start doing the sideways monster mash and I wake up after like 5 mins.. Then on the fourth night, I find myself at my middle school at lunch period. I go and talk with friends and all that then I go to see a movie on campus (??) and suddenly I am in it.. Its another guy, a shy Beautiful woman, and two Victoria Justice's in a parking garage. I jump on the twins (and yeah I think u know), but then after the guy takes me to a closet with the woman in it but right before we kiss I fall through the floor into a burning building and that's all I remember.. So if any Professional could help me im really confused about what is going on... btw, this is a Juvenal dream, it wasn't pionate.

How would the discovery of sentient alien life affect your faith?

It would not affect my Faith in Christ at all. It would just be another great mystery that will be solved and I will know the answer to when I die because I am guaranteed a place in Heaven with God by being saved through the Blood of Jesus. Feel free to read my sources if you want to know more.

Did we find any weapons of M destruction in the present US-IRAQi war?

Yes, around 500 shells. Critics contend that they were old shells. Those types of chemical weapons found had a poor shelf life. Also 500 hundred tons of uranium was moved from Iraq to Canada. It was so secret that people were claiming that no WMD were found while they were moving WMDs. They did this so the convoys would not be attacked and the stuff stolen.

I need help now with C# please?

I made a very small test code with C#, but when I go to compile it with Command Prompt/CMD ( I tried both), It says that "csc" is not a recognized command. Please reply quickly, thank you. As much detail as possible for what to do will be nice, because sometimes it's hard for me to understand what to do. Thank you very much everyone.


I am not sure what context your phrase is but I would guess it means Infantry, Batallion, Augment Carrier? Hard to say with out seeing the orders or what ever you are reffering to.

4 days of very faint BFP's no symptoms, am i pregnant?

i am now to this, but hope someone may be able to help. We are TTC and this month i did a pregnancy test 10DPO and it was very faintly positive, the next day i repeated the test and did a digital test all positive but very faint. I am now 14DPO, AF due tomorrow, BFP still very faint and temp still raised. Is it normal to have No pregnancy symptoms and such faint lines for 4 days?

If a man has a lot of lighthouses in his home, should i be concerned??

heard that people who like light house a lot, enjoy male parts. Is this guy gay? I am not joking he has 10 pictures of light houses on his wall, ornaments of lighthouses, table cloths, blankets, picture book, I think I even saw a photo album. He is not an artist, nor is he in the sailing business.

Question for everyone: Creationism/faith taught in schools?

The thing is that evolution has been pretty thoroughly proven by now, making creationism just as thoroughly disproven. And of course evolution and religion aren't mutually exclusive: what if God set evolution in motion with the foreknowledge that things would end up the way they have?

Can a standard balcony room on carnival pride fit 5 people?

I know that carnival says that only the triumph and the dream fit 5 people in a standard room but the pictures online of the rooms like identical and have the same layout as the triumph. The reason i want to go on the pride so bad is because it is from Baltimore and i can drive to Baltimore so I won't have to pay for airfare. So if i call and ask do you think they will let me fit 5 people in one room

89 prelude wont start?

i have a 89 prelude and i cant get it to start. it turns over, it just cant get any spark i have tried everything i can think of. i have replaced the coil, distributor, computer, and main power relay. im about to change the wiring harness, but that's a lot of work and i don't want to do it and it not fix the problem.

When should I use my Chi hair products?

READ THE BACK! aha it should have direction on how to use each product! but silk infusion on damp hair before you apply heat, iron guard also before the heat & shine infusion is the last product you should use !

What is a game that is suitable for 15 and 16 year olds?

(include name of game object of game and instructions for game) its a game for kids to play in homeroom

Im getting a spray tan tomorrow and i want to dye my hair...?

Change the hair if you like, but the tan is too much. Spray tans are disgusting, you don't want to look orange.

Why isn't titanium used on bike rims?

Aluminum might be lighter, but titanium if distributed properly with the right alloy, it could make a better rim with more strength and better welding.

Parents, tricky argument to settle...?

At 2-3 years old, I would consider it normal. I think four would be the drawing line- the latest I think it would be acceptable (for lack of a better word). By five, I think they should know better, uming they have a normal brain capacity.

Can we see the Atom with a giant microscope?

Just wondering if we could build a microscope that is as tall as maybe the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower, could we see any object at the subatomic level such as the Atom? If not how far do you think can we able to see if such a big microscope exist?

Are there any scientists that are christian and believe in creationism?

Very few -- and that number decreases the higher up the "food chain" of scientific accomplishment. For example: among Nobel Laureates among the "hard" sciences, or members of the National Academy of Sciences or the Royal Society (the British equivalent) less than 5% believe in a personal god.

FInding out where to purchase sheet music and conductor scores!?

I'm in need of help of finding out exactly where you can purchase sheet music for songs such as those played by the Eminence symphony, or songs such as the arrangement of "mamma mia" played by he philharmonic orchestra. I keep finding songs that are beginner status or are not orchestra arrangements. It would be very helpful if you can post some links or direct me as to where to go to purchase sheet music involving these pop-like clical songs. Thank you! :D

Explain the signif. of mitosis & meiosis to ually reproducing organisms. how meiosis is diff then mitosis?

I know somebody who would know that but it is against the guidelines to name him. good luck.Just google it

I think I should burn a chapter of my life but I don't know how,?

Well first of all DON'T kill yourself it's not worth it I had never heard of your syndrome but I checked it out and I think that it has a lot to do with what you are going through and why you feel the way you do. Second I have had OCD since I was about 8 and I didn't understand it until I was 21 and I experienced a lot of the emotions you're experiencing too but one thing that helped me was learning to accept it as a part of your life and don't let it define you b/c you are more than that. I also checked out a lot of online support groups and it makes things a whole lot easier when you have ppl who know what you're going through also see if there are any local support groups in your area and it's never too late to go back to school and I think you should and if you don't know what you want to do just yet try taking general education courses and get your ociates in that and by the time you're done with that you will probably know what you want to do with yourself. You sound a lot like me and it sounds like you probably don't go out much and if this is true I suggest you start going out more often and get some fresh air. a href="," rel="nofollow"…/a… Check out these links I hope they help! Good Luck! and talk to your doctor about maybe some meds I take zoloft and it helps maybe talk to a counselor or therapist also.

HELP SOON!!! report question!?

I'm doing a report about why exploration and settlement of the New World was bad, I need some more ideas of why it was bad besides the one about killing the Indians and taking over their land I already have that. THANKS I need this quickly so any ideas are appreciated!

Face Regimine While Pregnant?? ?

Ok, I have had acne for years now. I am currently 26 weeks pregnant, and since I first got pregnant my acne has gotten better, minus the few red pimples. I have been using the Noxzema Triple Clean Anti-Blemish Pads which contains 2% salicylic acid, and AcneFree Terminator 10 which contains 10% benzyol peroxide. I have been doing this morning and night since before I got pregnant, and was really starting to see a difference. It does burn from the pads, and then the Terminator will make my face red, which did this when I first started, but after I used it for about 2 weeks, it completely stopped doing all of that. I then stopped for a while because I wasn't sure how my skin was going to react at first with hormones and all, but recently picked it back up in the past week or so. Well my question is, is this ok in general as well as using it while being pregnant??

Is it true that adolf hitler was half or a quarter jewish?

no. he was full blown Austrian. He was an antisemite and used it to Germany's advantage. The Jewish ancestry is a myth to make the situation more mysterious, ironic and stupid.

I'm 16, he's 21 But he doesn't know how old I am yet.?

I'm a senior in high school and graduating in 2 weeks, yet I'm only 16 for another 5 months. I've been Getting to know this guy as a friend for now and have known him for about a month, however age hasnt come up yet so I don't think he knows I'm 16.. He probably figures I'm 17 or 18. We Both have super high morals standards and we won't be sleeping together...seriously. But I plan on telling him my age when he gets back from a missions trip. What do you think his reaction will be...? I mean of course I'm going to tell him my age now before things get serious at all. It would be immature not to... ehhhh, thoughts on the whole situation?

I'm going to Bangkok this Nov. with my family. I've been to Thai a few time but this is the first time for my?

family member. I wish to book some inbound tour in Thai, Any1 got anythings to share with me? I got some budget as total there's 6 ppl. Tks

I need a unique baby girls name! help!?

I'm looking for a unique baby girls name. My husbands name is matthew and my name is amanda he goes by kawika (ka-v-ka) and I go by mandy. we're looking for something similar to our names. please help! and for you ignorant people please keep your rude comments to your self!

Does Yahoo Answers have moderators?

Does this site have its own mods? If so how many of them are there? and why do the dumbest questions still slip by?

I heard that a asteroid is heading to earth is that true?

You're probably thinking about an asteroid named Apophis which will p -- not hit -- Earth on April 13th, 2029. It won't come any closer than 22,000 miles to Earth's surface then whiz back out into space.(Astronomy Magazine, April 2008, page 14) Its next close approach will be in 2036 when there's a 1 in 45,000 chance it will impact Earth.(a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My having a problem, but Doctor says its not a STD.... Help me?

I wouldn't be asking here on Yahoo I would e going to a specialist (urologist). And be more selective on who you bed with.Use condoms and you won't have this problem.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Will you make me an outfit?

I am tall with straight brown hair.Favorite colors are purple and turquoise.I like Deilas, Alloy, Urban Outfitters, Gap, Hot Topic.Best gets 10 points

Will the Houston Texans be the NEW AFC SOUTH Kings this Season?

after the win today i believe they will take control of the afc south... if we keep playing the way we playin theres no doubt!

Help me i really dont like art!!! thanks?

Yeah, I know wht it feels like; I loathe art too. Though, it seems, that u know a LOT abt art that I possibly don't know or won't ever know. And yeah, there's other kinds of arts too..not just drawing and painting and all the dumbaholic stuff. Good Luck!:)

Need the title&artist for this song...?

The only lyrics I know are, It's a beautiful world. It almost sounds like coldplay, but at the end of the song, there is a female singing a few words. I hear this song almost every night at work on sirius 2 & XM 25 The blend. Does anyone have any ideas. I've been searching for hours.

This guy I was seeing made me have again and again?

I was away from my parents as I had had a fight with them in another city, we met and although I did not say no I did not want to be alone, he kept doing it to me well aware I was a virgin.So desperate to do it I started farting from him doing too much sounds funny but its not.It was sooooooo painful and first and on my birthday he pulled me trousers down and did it with and *** inside me.I confronted him a year later and he said that he wanted to show his love and on the 2nd day of meeting asked me to marry him.He is illegal immigrant-please help me my rectum has gone bigger and I am so worried about aids and rectal damage as it has gone much bigger before it was a tight hole.I hate him for wot he has done to me.Is there a operation I could have to make it smaller, but still its not the same thing prevention is better than cure.I hate him hate him hate him!!

Red dead Redemption strangers not appearing?

After completing red dead redemption i have tried to get 100% completion however i have been unable to do as two strangers tasks "Deadalus and Son" and "Love is the Opiate". Wondering if anyone could help?

Who would you start or get rid of?

I would Start Jeremy Shockey and bench Chris Cooley. Otherwise I would keep what you have. GREAT TEAM!!

Why is she like this?

Hey guys wats up? Well I have this problem. Ok so I had this best teaacher last year and she was really nice to me and this yer she doesn't even say hi or anything like this, I'm not gay or bi anything lke that I'm straight why is she lie this . And if she doesn't talk to me I won't talk to her it's just like you kno me begging and because im scare she might not say hi back or sy hi but in a mean way wat should I do? Thanks

Does SE Asia have culture?

It appears to me that the countries of Southeast Asia seriously pales in cultural content when compared to their East Asian neighbours. While the Chinese has had thousands of years of recorded history and clical literature, I have hardly seen any done by the Vietnamese, Thai or Cambodians other than ones written in Chinese, by Chinese explorers in SE Asia. And what about scientific achievements? It seems that all the major geographical civilizations like the Greeks, Persians, Hindus, Chinese, etc have made major scientific contributions in the ancient world. What about SE Asia? And dare I say, I find East Asian cultures to be way more refined than those for the SE. Weren't they always more backwards? I remember reading a record from a Ming diplomat to the Khmer empire where he described the people wearing little clothes and having only bare necessities. They didn't have things like chairs or bowls to use. Why does it seem that there is such a cultural divide between East Asia and SE Asia?

Rate my best monsters YU_GI_OH 2008 deck?


Why isn't India and Sri Lanka RICH considering?

Fact: India used to be the richest country in the world until the British arrived to colonize. The only reason y North America was founded by Christopher Columbus is b/c he wanted a quicker page to India to gain access to trade and money. As soon as the British came to India they stole and sucked out trillions of dollars worth of goods. That's why India was dirt poor when it gained independence. However we are getting richer and recovering.

What came first here, the cart or the horse?

Actually, it may be the same people who thought we were overpopulated 50 years ago. So my thoughts is that they are using AGW as population control.

How do we separate our home issues from our office issues?

My wife and I have been married 8 mos. now, and we've been having these petty arguements! She has the tendency to bring her "office woes" home! We work at the same firm, and my boss is also my father-in-law!

What happened to The Southern Belles on America's Got Talent 2008?

They were a great audition, and Piers [[the toughest judge]] even acknowledged them as being the best act of the day. But I just watched the last day of the top 40 countdown to decide the top 20, and I noticed The Southern Belles weren't included. Does anyone know what happened to them?

Need lyrics to the children's lullaby mocking bird ?

the one that goes .. hush little baby don't you cry . I may be trying to combined 2 songs .. I think .. THANKS

I'm 14 year old girl and in love. Help? Pt.2?

I'm sorry but I gotta agree with your friends,if he's 14 he IS annoyng and inmature,after all he's 14! This is how boys this age are supposed to be!! 16 is still way to young to date and way too young to become a mother,a single mother,think about that.

Why do i compare boyfriends?

I have just moved from a very toxic and frustrating relationship and I'm making progress in moving on. I just keep comparing my past boyfriend to guys that want to go out with me. When is this gonna end? I also seem to be falling for everything that comes my way. Is this a sign of desperation?

My boy will turn 4months next week.till now he wakes once in every two hours in the night for it?

he does not have any fixed routine of sleep .. but he cries for feed every two hours. he is strictly on feed. he weighs 7.5 kgs and doctors say he is on the heavier side.. is it okay . please suggest me what should `i be doing?

Java help not working fix ":)?

Everything in the first answer is correct. However, one other missing element in the original is that you never read from the BufferedReader, the input of which will need to be converted to an integer and stored in the "num_input" variable.

Does Blocking Dangerous Men make them angrier ?

Because this child in a man's body has a moneymaker job he thinks he can be a childish psycho and get away with it. I'd turn him in to the police with the threats he's already made. Don't wait. You may save some other innocent woman's livelihood.

George Strait song?

Im getting married in Dec,yay!!:) anyways im wanting to do a song my george strait in memory og my great gma that past this past year,she loved george strait-even had a pic of him on her night stand! Im not a big country fan of the older music.So does anyone know any good songs that could be played at my wedding or just in memory of her?Thanks so much <3

Ahhh, I meeting a guy from craigslist tomorrow!!!HELP!?

Ok, so I met this guy from online, I was looking strictly platonic guy friend to exercise with. We are going running tomorrow evening. Uhmm what do I do, the guy describe and pictures was great- funny, cute, interesting. So, yea, I am just going to come off as me.But I am not sure what do if he start liking me?

Which is your favorite Hostess snack-cake?

F. An article on a concoction called 'chocodiles' came across my screen. In an effort to ess the long time durability of this concoction, I submit that the dalek seize control of said factory and ensure that all nations are able to sample what appears to be a delicacy horded by the evil minions of California. This must not be allowed if dalek supremacy is to occur. Surely forcing all humans to eat such a 'snack' will render them unable to resist the superior strength, maneuverability and intellect of the supreme intelligence of the dalek. End of report.

1. I need friends in banking and financial fields.?

they don't allow their money to float against other world currencies. Sooo it's always cheaper in China but the people starve and the money is weak

Why under the great system of capitalism is my boss striping me of my rights at work?

From last month we no longer get overtime rates at work yet we are still expected to do at least 2 hours overtime a day. Why under the amazing system that capitalism is does this happen? I thought capitalism was supposed to bring prosperity to hard workers. I work 50 hours a week and Im worse off than I was this time 6 months ago. Ive been trying to find a new job but its a bit hard at the moment. Why is capitalism such a failure?

The hottie on top gear?

Did anyone see the on top gear on sunday in the uk. she was in shot behind Jeremy Clarkson when they were doing their 'news' section. the blond long haired in shot. wow. lets find out who she is.

How to get bigger a civil engineering community?

best way is to have a clear and concise objective for this group.. u have to make goals that are specific, realistic and attainable.. then if the members are getting some benefits in joining this group then by word of mouth or via internet this so-called community will grow... by the way im a civil engineer too so ill check this group later... good luck

What is Sammy Stephens' email address?

I'm looking for the email address of Sammy Stephens, of Flea Market Montgomery fame. If anyone knows what it happens to be, I can't find it on the store website.

Will Ponting's end be like that of Kim Hughes?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

What statistic ysis do I need?

I would organize the data with a pugh ranking, then yze it using a T-test, ANOVA and a Tukey-Kramer ysis to show if the results overlap.

How do you make the new skittles vodka?

Ive seen it on telly, it was just a question but i know you can make skittles flavoured vodka out of skittles but i was just wondering how you do it?

Fantasy Baseball Help?

your team doesnt look too bad. you prolly just had an off week and your guys didnt perform to their normal ability. one problem i see is that you have dan uggla on the bench. orlando hudson started out very very hott but has cooled off the past week. uggla has to be starting at second. bench hudson. you might wanna look at putting hermida in the OF and bench dejesus. umm.. you could either drop or trade marquis. the past few years he always has a few hott starts that gets fantasy owners all hyped up but then he falls through and sends your ERA through the roof. look for someone like james shields in TB or shawn mar in toronto. both young talent. mar's slider is amazing. good luck!

Marriage problem "husband mistake"?

OMG honey don't take him offering you a new car that he still loves you...come on the is defiently like trying to bribe you and sooooo pathetic and wrong of him. In my opinion you should leave him ASAP that is the ultimate wrong doing of him to cheat. He won't stop and it will be almost impossible to ever trust him again. Leave now and to save you anymore heartache and you'll find someone better.

What do you think about my article on the Age of Aquarius?

To me, the Age of Aquarius has already begun. We are reaching the era where there is battle between the Age of Pisces and Age of Aquarius. So right now is a stage of transition, one is ending and another is on the rise. We can see it today, religion is seems to be losing the battle to science and technology. We are advancing in knowledge and understanding of each other. Higher learning and equality is expanding. It will take about another estimated 500 years where the Age of Pisces will be non-existent and the true birth of Age of Aquarius will begin. So until year 2500, we have to be able to contribute to the world by showing equality and freedom. As time goes on, people will start to realize their mistakes and conform to new and improved ideas. The day when science proves that religion is a myth, is the first full day of the Age of Aquarius.

I need help plzzzzzzzz...?

Deff. go for the second guy...if u want. Thats who i would choose personally.Stuff like skinning fish grosses me out too. Even though the first guy really likes you, just follow your heart about which guy would you rather be with. Who will be there for you and listen to you? =]

Has the Obama candidacy seperated Black Christians from White ones?

Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr. (Obama's Pastor) is rascist and anti-American. People like to defend him with the he was a marine during vietnam agrument; I respond with Timothy McVeigh (oklahoma city bomber) served in Desert Obama will drive a wedge between the people of this country. I personally like McCain, but I would complain if Clinton was elected. Anyone but Obama is my opinion. Hes too inexperienced, and his ties to Rev. Wright, and Tony Rezko really scare me. And yes he is seperating white and black Christians.

Monday, August 15, 2011

80s songs?

OK, so VH1 said that the #1 song of the eighties was Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. I personally think that it's Dont Stop Believen by Journey, because of its amazing lyrics and melody. Whats your favorite 80s song and why?


maybe take a cup of ants and splash on her, or when you go to the bathroom in gym, go to her backpack and pour it in there. post around the school and girl's bathroom door and that shes a _____ whatever you want to put down. or call 1-800-Brianna-can-give it to you for free. shes easy enough.

Good Morning Dog Section?

It is all according to what is going on and which dog. A household of 8 dogs ranging in age and sizes, temperaments etc.......I am constantly correcting something......sigh

Christians, please answer this fig tree question?

The entire story is an allegory for the demise of Israel at the hands of the Romans. If the event actually happened, it was probably not nearly as dramatic as the Gospels portray. The disciples saw significance in the event some 40 years later, and each author worked the story in as he saw fit.

Who's your favorite member of the cast of Twilight?

im with the first answer. i love edward and alice. alice is so cute and energetic and edward is hott, and will do anything to protect bella!!

Can't get my 8 month old to eat jarred strained food.?

I have other children and all of them graduated from strained jarred food, to chunky jarred food, then to finger food all by 9 months. My daughter eats pablum, but after that will only eat jarred strained food. She gets so upset at the look of chunky food she will make herself projectile vomit. Somtimes before I even get any into her mouth. I've tried making my own baby food, as I did for my other kids, but again, she tastes it, and spits/gags it all out. Any ideas as to why? Thanks!

Urinalysis....please need help?

I work for 6 urologists. This is a relatively normal urinalysis. You may have a very, very slight infection but the presence of moderate epithelial cells (that come from the outside of the - skin cells) likely means this was a contaminated specimen so there would be a few bacteria. The amount of WBC is within normal lab limits and does not mean you have an infection. Your pH is very high and you should be drinking at least 100 ounces of fluids per day (preferably water but anything would do). There is no disease (this is not the test for a urinary "disease" anyway. If you are having symptoms of a urinary tract infection, the symptoms might be cleared but increasing the amount of fluids you drink per day. Also, you may be treated with antibiotics if the doctor feels it is warranted but not if you are not having symptoms.

Fantasy Basketball. Stephen jackson or ricky davis?

since wade is out, i think ricky davis will lead the scoring and miami also has a good sched. GS also have a good sched, i also have monta ellis on my lineup w/c will hurt jackson in points. w/c player will i get and why? thanks

What are Brain Mapping and Lie Detector tests? Why arent they used frequently?

Why is judicial permission needed before conducting these tests on any accused? What is the difference between the two tests?

Statistical techniques 18?

The management of White Industries is considering a new method of embling its golf cart. The present method requires 42.3 minutes, on the average, to emble a cart. The mean embly time for a random sample of 24 carts, using the new method, was 40.6 minutes, and the standard deviation of the sample was 2.7 minutes. Using the .10 level of significance, can we conclude that the embly time using the new method is faster?

What is their body fat percentage? and real answers only?

Would say about 10-12%...but in the first pic Fergie is leaning back, & that's what is making her abs stand out so well. She would still look good standing normal, but you wouldn't see quite as much ab definition. They all look great, I'm about 2% behind them & can't wait until I get that lean!!

Can I procure a student loan under my cirstances?

I am going to WSU next year and I want a student loan. My parents make good money, but have decided not to help me at all. This also means I most likely won't qualify for financial aid. I have a credit score of about 715-720, I am 18, and I have my AA already. I work part-time, but I wont work during school. Without a co-signer, will I be able to get a student loan that covers all expenses (tuition, books, living expenses) for 2 years?

How was the American Declaration of Independence a product of Enlightenment thought?

The Declaration of Independence was a doent which told the Colonist's reasons for rebelling against British Rule. The age of Enlightenment was a time for reasoning and looking at the personal liberties of right of all human beings and helped establish that the government is established for the man and works for the man.

Does anybody know a remedy for stiff hands?

I play alot of clical piano like Beethoven's Pathetique (1st mov.) and I have very stiff hands and fingers. I know I shouldn't soak them in hot water because that makes my skin dry and my hands hurt, so what should I do to relax them so that they'll be flexible?

We are going on a works confrence and the theme for the fancy dress night is "Dream" dont fancy pj's any ideas?

ok, I don't really understand the question but if you're looking for fancy pj's i'd check la senza or victoria secret. Maybe get a cute teddy or if you're not comfortable with that a silk 2 piece set.

Physics question question below?

A 9000kg car is moving horizontally at 20m/s when it brakes are applied and it skids to a stop in 30m. How large is the frictional force between the cars wheels and the road?

"Hey Paula".. Paula drunk or high?

There were a couple episodes that ended in Paula getting upset when people reported that she must have been drunk or high. She certainly seemed like it to me. Did anyone see those? What did you think?

Where do movies get their extra names?

my fathers name is in the elf movie when the boy is reading off santa's list. my father is a plumber and has no affiliation with anyone that has influence in the movies. its a name that is not common at all!! there is literally one other woman in Holland that has my last name. so i know its his. where do movie producers get their extra names??

Ever had a dream where a building was supposed to be, but instead all there was in it's place was a sign?

I've had dreams where I have fallen off of buildings. Fortunately, I woke up before I hit the ground.

Spanish Help?

Chavez quiere cambiar la constitucion de Venezuela, su intencion es legalizar reelecciones sin limites. El quiere ser presidente de por vida lo que lo har� un dictador. Los Estados Unidos de America y muchos otros paises no quieren que Chavez gobierne. Su dictadura liderar� la caida de Venezuela.

How can I improve this "Rock Star" Sonnet?

As you pointed out, even 'Will' had extra beats in his sonnets so who cares if one line has eleven. It did not make me pause. You certainly enjoyed enjambment though in your first few lines. I liked your ending couplet, added some irony. A fun and probably truthful read.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

? Re-Michigan Law/Rights for the unwed dad for a premature baby born & Missing!?

My son & his girlfriend were expecting a child. As of about 6 days ago, the girlfriend is no longer pregnant. She led us to believe the baby was at a nearby hospital, however, we called and they claimed she had not been there. On day 4 she said the baby actually died. First she said at birth, last night she said she miscarried 6 weeks ago. We do know she was 'for sure' pregnant 3 weeks ago, Mother's Day and at least 1 1/2 weeks ago. Can we get a subpoena to force her to show proof of babies whereabouts so we can prove paternity? Any additional advise or comments would be GREATLY appreciated. We are dying to find out anything on our little missing daughter/granddaughter.

How do I connect 2 JBL Platium Series speakers to my PC. do they require their own power cord?

Yes, these speakers, like any other computer speaker will need a power cord. Your computer's audio jack is only used to send a low voltage audio signal. It is not used to power your speakers. For this you have to power the speakers' internal amplifier with an AC cord.

Internal membranes play important roles in protein production and processing except they do NOT ...?

The answer is C. Hereditary information is contained in the nucleus. Internal membranes such as the rough Endoplasmic Reticulum anchors ribosomes and the Golgi Bodies do B and D above.

George Lopez Show- Max and Veronica

Okay can someone please explain this to me.. Max and Veronica are cousins right? So isn't it a little inappropriate for him to try to hit on her?

Are Lab Created Diamonds real diamonds?

If you used a diamond tester on a lab created diamond would it test positive as a real diamond or a fake?

Should we get the swine flu shot? PLEASE I really need some advise?

all four of my children got the reg influenza shot Sep.9...the first week of oct..they all got really sick..fever all flu like symptoms. even took my son to the hospital because he got a seizure from his fever. I asked the hospital to check him for swine flu ..they said it was more likely that he had it,but at this time they didn't have a way of testing for it. To ask my doctor to get tested. I was like What?he was getting better so I didn't feel the need to take him to the Doctor,but then his fever came back up high again,so this time I took him to the doctor told her all the symptoms..yes she agree that he probably had swine flu,but she didn't feel he should get tested since he was at the end of his illness..and he didn't look now I don't know if I should vaccinate my kids..since I'm positive they had swine flu..but they didn't get tested..please give me your advise should I vaccinate them?

Why is the background bleeding into my graphics on adobe illustrator?

i made this cool poster for my department in college, but the background image is bleeding into the pics i have laid over it. As if it is in illuminate mode of some other wierd mode, but it isn't. I have even removed the background and made a new layer with a new background and it still sort of bleed through. Do I have to start over?

What do you think of my story so far?

It's good except, it sounds soo pesemistic. I would change (side to side at each beep) to ( side to side WITH each beep)

My spayed female dog is spotting....?

If there is any endometrial tissue left behind, your dog could still spot. That doesn't mean she could necessarily become pregnant. Good luck trying to convince your vet he or she may have left some tissue behind. In some dogs (extremely fat or very thin) it's not always easy to get to everything. I'd find a different vet if the one who did the surgery won't support you & your dog.

What do carry for survival while out hunting?

Dont forget A-1 steak sauce.I knew a guy that killed a deer but got stranded in the woods for 2 days because his truck got stuck.He had everything to skin and cook his deer,but forgot A-1 sauce.This man starved to death.So yeah,it is that important.You might also add some hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol or prep pads to your list though,just in case

Is Kim Harrison making any more books 4 the Rachael M Dead Witch Walkin series after White Witch Black Curse?

I know she made other books with rachael in them that were like added on the side with other authors but i was wondering if there's going to be an 8th book after White Witch Black Curse for the main series? Any info-thanks. I love her stuff, it's the only series I will read more than once. I've read her books numerous times, actually. XD

Are these good enuff specs for rift?

"newly established AGP slots" - not true I'm afraid - see link below - I hope you paid peanuts for this thing - it belongs in a museum

**CAn you tell me all you know about Judas Rabbi**?

He is an odd fellow who seems to be somewhat lacking in the life department. I believe he is now experiencing his 15 minutes of fame here on Yahoo Answers. Yea for Judas King of the under 5 word answers. I think it would get rather dull actually I enjoy rambling on endlessly with each answer I give. Hi Dear how are you? I'm great trying to get back in the swing of things here. So far so good no vns today but also not too many q's answered. lol

Which RB2 will be most productive this week?

Well I doubt if it will be Bush and I don't see Lewis doing squat against the Steelers D. I say go with Williams or Taylor.

What do you do when a 2 year old starts touching their private ares?

so I know its normal for young kids to start touching their private parts but how exactly do you explain whats appropriate and whats not when their only 2! I was just letting him do it at first until I saw him trying to do it at childcare, how am I supposed to explain that what he's doing is a private thing that he shouldn't do in public?

Whats the worst thing that has happened to you while out walking your dog?

wow that would scare me to death if my dog got shocked. The worst thing that has every happened to me while walking my dog is when my pitbull great dane mix fell down and had a seizure. Luckilly I was on my street so I was able to get a neighbor to wait by him as I ran home to get his medicine for seizures. Hes fine now but hes becoming an old dog and slowing down.

O-to-O-to-O bond angle in an ozone (03) molecule is not exactly 120 degree because?

1. ozone molecules are linear so the bond angle is 180 degree, 2. ozone molecules are tetrahedral so the bond angle is approximately 109 degree, the nonbonding electrons pair occupies greater space than the bonding pairs, the electrons in the double bond occupy more space that the non bonding electron pair

I failed my Algebra midterm. What will happen?

I had B's in the cl all year and I didn't understand one thing after the 3rd quarter. I went afterschool for help one day but felt extremely uncomfortable with the teacher. He stared at my chest which was covered in a hoodie! It was so awkward for me that I refused to go back. I continued going to cl, attempting to do work, I took all the notes. I wasn't the only one who couldn't understand. Algebra is the only cl I have that isn't honors. It's college prep. I got a 49 on my final! My mom won't find out, she doesn't know what PowerSchool is. I'm just worried whether I'll p the cl or not! My grade now is a 74! :(

Why does alcohol taste so good?

Your correct one or two beers a day will for most people do more good than harm. The problem is however that for far too many people they don't always stop at one or two. It maybe just that most days but then the weekend comes and it's the sky's the limit. Alcohol addiction is one of the most common addictions in the country and one of the most accepted unfortunately.

Debate over citizenship of immigrants?

I would suggest you exercise caution in mixing today's immigration problems with the immigration of years gone by. America has always maintained a healthy and welcomed "legal" immigration program. For the past ten years though our immigration laws have been ignored to a point they have become a joke. You ask "What's wrong with diversity,": I say America thrives on diversity but America is a land of laws established to ensure the quality of life in our nation. That is one reason why we have always been the nation of choice! The United States has been overrun with illegals aliens from all over the country. Many have come here legally and remained after their Visa run out putting themselves in an illegal status. Other slip into our country illegally; both become criminals. We welcome "Legal" immigrants but are fed up wit "Illegal" aliens (they are not considered immigrants)! They come here and demand we give them privileges we do not even allow our own citizens. They run in gangs, commit crimes, they march in our streets, tear down our flag, and want us to change our laws to suit them. America does not need criminals and we do not need criminals to be rewriting our laws for us!

What should a high school student know about Genetics? ?

its great your taking this course, i wish things like this were discussed when i was in school gary null is a good source of info in those aspects

What color walls would go with a tan suede couch?

I just had new laminate hardwood floors put in and I have a tan (kind of goldenish) suede couch and love seat and dark brown leather recliner. The coffee table and end tables are sorta medium dark stained. My curtains and pillow accents have maroon in them as well. My trim and shoe molding is painted white. Plz help!

Isn't it adorable how each monotheistic religion thinks they have a special covenant or relationship with God?

Yes, isn't it also cute when they spread rumors of gays being the cause of the AIDs virus, and abortions being murder. There by convincing impressionable people to go out and kill the abortion doctors, and attempt a terrorist attack on the gay pride parades.

Die hard harry potter fans do you now prefer Percy Jackson?

No, and Harry looks at girls because He is a young adult MALE with no real love yet, why wouldn't he?

What started the fall of these 5 teams?

spurs and the mavs are doing great, the suns did what the marlins did in 01, after winning the world series, the owner basically sold his team for money, the pistons made awful trades, they had a great bench in 04-07, but they had veterans who are now retired, their bench is now their starters, and currently they have no bench, the hornets aren't use to success, they fell under pressure with having the best record, they will soon get back on track

Which of these TNA stars would you want "back" to the WWE?

If I was the WWE I would want Christian back to feud with Edge. I would also want Kurt Angle back and have him feud with Randy Orton.

Where is the dlc port on a scion tc?

I want to connect a 16 pin tester to my Scion TC to see why I have a check engine light on but I cannot locate the input port. Can anyone tell me where it is?

Where can I find information on role of neighbouring countires in terrorism in India??

I think the question is pretty self-explanatory, but still, for clarification, I need this information for my Geography Project. I am in Grade 9, so please take care to supply information near-about that level. Basically, I need articles on the role of Sri Lanka, Pakistan etc. in terrorism in India. Waiting for replies....

Bad Girls Club is real or fake?

i think they are SOOOO real! i love natalie even though she annoying! i hated her at first? i like the chick who shouldnt really be on there! she getting kate back good!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How did the Enlightenment change society and help bring about revolutions?

How did the enlightenment change society and helped bring about social and political revolution? Please mention absolutism and the attack on the concept for the aristocracy with the answer....

Do Catholics have an ulterior motive in accepting evolution?

I don't believe in Biblical literalism, but I would be hesitant to label creation stories as "a piece of crap". There are very important reasons that humans make use of mythology. In my opinion, reading myth as literal fact strips it of it deeper meaning and value. I was raised in Catholic schools, and we didn't have any other "motive" for learning the theory of evolution other than that it was more scientifically plausible than Young-Earth Creationism.

Isn't a tax on income more collectivist and less individualist?

A heavy progressive income tax is one of the ten planks of the communist manifesto. Google it and see how many other of the planks are in effect here in the US.

Who thinks it is stupid that resident evil 5 will not come to wii.?

Well, apparently the developers say that the Wii `can`t handle the graphics` but I don`t really blame Cap-com. I mean it`s like if they had Banjo Kazooie on the N64 like forever or you just being a kid for the rest of your life. Change is good and the Resident Evil producers really wanted to move on from Nintendo because they`ve made alot of resident evil games for the Nintendo and I think change would be good. So im not really angry at them and I don't blame them as well so dont blame them but I do see what your saying. I am a little disappointed that it`s not coming to the Wii but you know, it`s their company!

Front End damage, corner bent in, What to do?

if you can get that piece off then pound it out and put it back on, adjust the hood so it will close.

HELP--Harold has consumed a sunflower seed!?

You moronic seed eating yankee. Your have doomed your life to living in greenhouse. Im sorry to hear of your pain. However, i had a predicament very similar to yours. I as a young little girl swallowed a watermelon seed. I loved that watermelon seed. I would water it and give it soil, hoping that one day it would finally bloom into the beautiful erfly. However, things did not go according to plan. In a freak accident this seed did not transform into a wondrous erfly but into a watermelon. I needed surgery to remove this ghastly thing from my system but it was unsuccessful. Sadly the watermelon stayed and made my hips HHHHUUUUUUGGGE. however, after much thinking i knew i needed to take action. The next day i drank 1000 cups of prune juice. I got into my sitting position and blasted a huge poop exploding not just my toilet but my whole room. it was a battlefield that I knew i had won. In your case though i have no fyckin idea what to do

RB and WR start in week 6?

definatly depends on how your scoring is set up. if its a regular public league the 2 rb's will def get you more points.. if its about even points for RB and WR you should def start Rice and Holmes. Holmes is a must against Cleveland.. he is gonna tear them up.. and Hines Ward. so its up to you.. but good luck

Whats on this girl's mind?

from a girl point of view, i would play hard to get right now. I know i have done that before with guys, sometimes not even realizing it. But if the moment is right definatly try to kiss her again but don't try real hard and like look out for it. im sure she likes you if you have met almost 7 times. She would not keep seeing you if she didnt have some kind of feelings for you. So I say definatly dont push it too much. She probably just wants to take it slow or make sure that youre not messing around with her.

What is the difference between a Jewish temple and a synagogue?

A rabbi once wrote that the reason Jews no longer offer actual sacrifices is that there is no longer a temple in which to do that. But there are synagogues all over the world. So why is a synagogue not considered a temple?

Someone please explain evolution to me...?

the theory of evolution is that the world was created by an explosion of gas' and that planets were formed .... on earth there were a couple of cells that reproduced and made organismes capable of living in the environment and they started to reproduce aswell and after every century the form of our bodies changed and adapted to new environments... into what we are now

Rate My Fantasy Baseball Team?

give it a 5 get someone like albert pujols or some good player get encarnacion, JJ Hardy also get some cardinals on the team Id say there on of the best teams in the MLB and they don't stack there team like the idiots yankees and red sox

Have you been HIT by the 'credit crunch' and the collapse of the US financial market(s) ? is it your #1 worry?

I think the media is making things worse by scaremongering. Every day on the news and in the newspapers, makes people afraid of spending, manufacturers cannot sell what they produce - factories make people redundant = more unemployed

What is the best business organization for someone who owns a lot of property?

I am on track to own and manage a lot of property in the future. Therefore, I'll potentially be exposed to a lot of lawsuits and my personal ets would be at risk. What would be the best organization to protect me out of a Sole Proprietor, C-Corporation, S-Corporation, LLC, Partnership, Trust, or a Non-profit organization? Or would it be some other form of organization. Thanks!

Should I get haze???

I mean I know it doesn't have the best graphics around but it does look alright according to most players, right?? Cause I like haze's storyline and gameplay, plus it's online options...the maps look good, and they have the return of the bots which is also cool. The thing is, I don't know whether to get it, cause after I do, I might not be able to get a game for 2-3months....already have gta iv......or should I wait for mgs4( not a fan of the series and it's online kinda sucks). Should I get haze????

Help please!?

Chances are there is something in the tank not right. Check your water and your filter. Be sure your filter fits your tank. Too strong of a current or too weak isn't good. If the intake is too strong turn it down or add a sponge or a small plastic cup (like the one they give you Katchup in) This will help with the current if you cannot turn the filter down.

Am I A Hemophobe (Scared of Blood)?

You probably have a weak mind or a week body like if they amputate your leg and to much blood is lost you die so its probably that your body is not used to losing blood hope this helps.

Really sad/ kind depressed? Help?

Ok so it's about my brother and mom. My older brother (16) always seems to outbeat my at everything when it comes to athletics, fitness and even karate. Now we both did karate at the same time and trained hard but when one test came he skipped a belt and is higher rank than me. And I still feel inferioir about it today. Everyone says he's awesome and has an amazingly cool reputation about it while me??? None. Not to mention he broke my finger from sparring and now even the new students know of it and respect him. I beat him academically, and mentally but I want to be noticed as well in sports. Which I suck at!! Track killed me last year and only did throwing events. And always got 4-9 place. :( football seems fun for my size but it doesn't interest me at all!?! I would like to try swimming or tennis but it's more of a thing you grow into at a young age plus I'm worried of being half naked while people watch me swim...and don't get me started on basketball!! I can't shoot for my life, or dribble but somewhat good from defense from what my friends say. I actually weigh like 20-30 more pounds than my older brother. It just seems that there's this luck or that things come soooo easy to him while I work my off and still don't get good results. :( like a karate tournament and he had only 2-1 people in his age group so he was bound to win either way while I had 5-7 others and chances were harder. Uhhh I guess this is getting long hehe but can someone just give me some emotional advice thanks!?

Did Tracy Mcgrady make the 2010 Nba allstar?

I just looked on the site for 2010 allstar rosters and T-mac was not there : ( so did he make it or not?

Converting to Catholicism, but having trouble?

I'm 16 and converting to Roman Catholicism. I went and had a meeting with the RCIA people 2 months ago, and they said the next cles were not until August. Poblem is, I've only gone to M TWICE in the past two months, even though i told them i would come every Sunday? What will they think of me? Should I be to embarred to even return?

Richie son questions?

Did you like Richie in 2001-2003 when he made two all star games and hit like 45 home runs in thwo of those seasons? If not, why?

It doesn't take much intellect to know without doubt that Sotomayor is an 'affirmative action' nominee by?

Mr Hussein. Knowing that, why do the Liberals and Dems think that questioning her on her racist statements and biased court decisions would be wrong? Is that not the reason for conducting the hearings?

Isn't it hard to become a star eg. kpop?

Maybe it's not that hard to become a k-pop star, if you have a good voice and can dance well and look okay, but once you started the following the celebrity path, it will be hard to maintain yourself on the top.They must be willing to work really hard, to sacrifice almost all their time to train in order to perform well.Also, apparently, some of the companies don't treat all the members in a fair way.Super Junior's former band member Han Geng left because of unfair treatment from his company, which led to his depressions, suicidal thoughts and health problems.Plus, there are companies who even don't allow their bands to date, but i don't think they'd even have time to do that.They all have bussy schedules, take a look at Suju's sort of arrogant Kim Heechul.He sings, dances, has his own radio show, is invited to various tv shows, needs to attend concerts,etc.How many people would be able to successfully juggle all this things?Very few.By looking at how busy their lives are, one could say they basically don't have a life outside their career.And i pretty much agree on that.Think how hard it will be for them to marry and find someone to love, someone who is willing to understand their complicated lives and stick by them under such conditions.If you watch things from this real perspectives, not many people would like to be in their shoes or trade lives with them.At least i know i wouldn't like their lifestyle, it's not worth it.You don't have time for your own life anymore.

What you gonna when you are sick and tired of living with an alcoholic parent?

My dad is an alcoholic way back when he was a teenager. My mom left us when I was 6 bec. she couldn’t handle their sick marriage life anymore. She is now in Germany with her new family. My dad usually gets drunk at night and becomes wild, angry & would really turn the stereo’s volume to the max that our neighbors in our apartment get disturbed. I can’t do anything but hide in my room bearing the tremendous hurt & shame & cry when it seems too much already and just wait for the nightmare to end and that everything will be well and peaceful again. Sometimes he promises not to drink anymore and he tends to quit for a few weeks or months, but then he would later go back again to his habit. I have been living with him for 21 years together with my grandmother & caregivers/househelps. After graduating College, I accepted the graveyard shift cashiering job offered by my aunt who owns an Internet Café. I chose the job even if I am underemployed in it just so I could escape the troubled life I experience everytime my dad comes home drunk at night. It’s almost a year now in my present job that I tried to live a peaceful and normal life since I can avoid sleeping at home and endure the painful situation cause by my father’s drunkenness. I just go home during the day to sleep and go back again to work at night. But the pain is not yet over when I thought I have escaped it already bec. these past few days I come home and find him having a drinking spree with his drunkard friends early in the morning or afternoon with the stereo blasting out so loud. I really don’t know what to do but to walk away so hurt and ashame. And I feel so afraid for fear that he would humiliate me & create havoc in my workplace. It’s really a miracle that I survived and finished College despite my miserable situation which gotten worse during my first years in College since my grandmother had a stroke and would cry also during the evenings or late at midnight bec. of her arthritis. I really don’t know what to do anymore. I wanted to run away and live a new life own my own but I feel that if I leave and turn my back on my dad, it gives me a deep sense of guilt for not being there to help him esp. that he is jobless and sooner or later my aunt would quit supporting him financially. He never wanted to work to earn a living bec. he was totally dependent on my aunt and grandfather. In our country, children still have a great responsibility over their parents even if they are beyond legal age due to close family ties culture. When my dad is sober he is a great person but a totally different & mean person when drunk. The next day when he wakes up everything goes back to normal. Sometimes I think that he is not really my father and that I am not his daughter bec. he never worked even once to feed his family or send me to school. It was my grandfather and aunts who supported me financially and meet my school needs. My dad neither care or even interested with my studies or helping me plan for my future. He says he is proud of me but he didn’t do anything to prove that he is. I am so sick and tired of this kind of life that I feel I am cursed or something. I tried my best to live a good life and strove hard to be a good Christian. But life is like forcing me to be insane,mean and angry with the world. Life seems so unfair to me bec. I was deprived of parents who should be nurturing and supportive but it’s painful to think I was left to stand on my own. For me, even if I finished College, I still feel like my future is so dark and that I am going to live in misery for the rest of my life. I still keep praying and hoping one day he would change. I still don’t know if there are Al-Anon meetings in our area. But I feel that Al-Anon groups wouldn’t solve the problem.I am 21 now but I don’t know if life would be better when I find a new job and rent a space to run to in case he is drunk again when I come home from work. But I feel life would still be the same bec. I think he still wouldn’t change. How can I really avoid living the pain of coming home and frequent worrying whether he is drunk or sober when I cannot dare not to return home as much as possible bec. I don’t want to neglect my father and grandmother? But living in such a depressing experience is affecting me that lowers my self-esteem so much.I didn’t went into any relationship bec. I am ashamed of my life. I seem to be always living in anger and fear everyday of my life. How am I supposed to live a good life and finally find happiness having an alcoholic dad?

What would deter thieves away from breaking into a house?

Maybe a dog (if trained properly) and a mossberg shotgun. The beautiful thing about it is that almost anyone who hears it and is somewhere they shouldnt be craps themselves and wants nothing to do with your house, valuables, kids, etc... Most intruder confrontations can be avoided peacefully just by showing force.

Does anybody know how long to cook sausage and egg cerole in a crock pot on high?

I have no problem finding this recipe for overnight cooking 8-10 hours. But we are having a breakfast themed potluck for lunch at work and I don't want to overcook the dish by cooking it overnight and then still heating it for several hours at work. It's mainly a low carb recipe (eggs/cheese/sausage/onions), so would 3-4 hours on high be enough time to cook it through thoroughly??

Friday, August 12, 2011

Explain why covalent bonds are formed when nonmetals from the right side of the periodic table bond with each?

Explain why covalent bonds are formed when nonmetals from the right side of the periodic table bond with each other. Give two examples of such compounds

Does olive oil helps improving skin fairness?

Um not really, olive oil is used for skin because of it's high level of antioxidants. And because it doesn't clog pores, but moisturizes really well.

Moms, what's your choice?

Calm down, relax and go to sleep. It sounds like your driving yourself mad trying to decide on everything at once. Just be lazy and give yourself a break!

I was told i have nodules on the lung, what does this mean?

while doing a ct scan on upperstomach the dr. seen part of a picture of a nodule on my lung and i needed another iodine ct scan on my lung

How do I access the spark plugs to change them on a Chevy Astro Van? underneath? wheel wells? or combination

Remove the dog house (center console) inside the vehicle. And yes, unlike the last guy I am extremely serious. To service the plugs, wires, cap and rotor you need to remove the center console - it only takes a few minutes.

Anyone know a thing or two about wheels?

It is more than likely that the worn wheel bearing was the cause of your tyre wear and now that the tracking and balancing have been done your problem is the tyres uneven wear that is causing the problem.Put the rear tyres on the front if they aren't worn to check if everything is then ok.

Song playing at the beginning of the movie "Seven"??

The opening credit music is a spliced sample of an uncredited remix of the Nine Inch Nails song "Closer" by Coil.

Please enlighten me about Noah's Ark and sin?

The world was given 120 to repent and they chose not too except Noah that is why he was spared because he chose to repent and no one else did. and Display Name is saying that you don't have the right to question why someone is taken off this earth. Everything you need to know about God is known from the bible! i got off my and did the research as was led to Christianity and not other beliefs because i did the research. God can take any life because he gave life. If you see a lamborghini you don't think it accidentally popped up out of nowhere without a created with all the right pieces in the right places to be able to drive it. you know it have a creator because nothing creates nothing not something. you evidence of there being a creator of this universe is right in front of your face.

Does he still like me ahhh did i mess things up?!?!?!?

You need to take the initiative, and stop expecting him to make the first moves. If you don't it's going to fizzle quickly. Or you will know that he doesn't like you as much. Boys like to know that their feelings are returned and as much as we don't like to make the first move they don't either. Make sure that he knows the feelings he has for you are reciprocated.

Jogging tips from experienced runners who started by walking?

also stretch though. a couple to few minutes before. and makes ure you are hydrated. drink a gl of water before you walk and jog. and don't overdo it. jog lightly, slowly, for a minute or two at a time at first, and without stomping your feet. keep your shoulders low and loose, and stay properly balanced by keeping your head up and looking straight ahead, and moving your arms. you might try spandex shorts to the knees, to provide some xtra support to your joints and muscles.

Science homework: Describe the pattern of the oceans' currents.?

Compare trade winds and westerlies. Which way do the major currents flow in the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere?

Opinions about home-schooling?

I find it very doubtful that half the children in the US are home-schooled. Home-schooling is fine with me, as long as there are dedicated parents involved, and the children have plenty of socialization opportunities. A big thing that you learn in school is how to interact with other people.

How long do I have to stay out from work?

I saw a doctor on Sunday morning and he put me on azithromycin for bronchitis. He told me that I should not return to work until Wednesday. This seems like too long. I thought you were only contagious for 24 hours after starting antibiotics. Should I listen to the doctor or am I safe to return to school/work tomorrow?

To the christians of the USA do you think it was right to kill people in iraq?

Do you think its right for the U.S. to go bully all the other nations of the world because they think their superior and think that they should get involved in things that have nothing to do with them?

Honestly! When Benoit did what he did, did it ever p your mind that one of your family members would do...?

Ok, I admit to a guilty thought that I think we all might have had when we heard about Christ Benoit. <---- (lmao! I wrote Christmas here instead of Chris Benoit but went back and finished it before I submitted this question) not that you think they would do something so outrageous and insane, but did it ever enter your head? Simply enter your head that one of your family members would kill you like Chris Benoit's did to his whole family. Did that enter your head after what Benoit did. I have the most loving family in the world, albeit dysfunctional as all get out, but loving. It entered my head after what Chris Benoit had done and I felt kinda guilty. lol

What defense to start?

Hey im torn on what fantasy football defense to start this week the Panthers, Raiders, Chiefs, Bengals, or texans. Most of these teams are free agents so i can just pick them up, and theres also the seahawks, bucs, jaguars and colts, but i dont think any of them are having great weeks. All of the teams mentioned at the top of the list are decent defenses and hare great matchups this week, but i cant decide whether its smart to keep the raiders versus the broncos, or use one of the other teams. Last time the raiders played the broncos they got 35 points on the road, so its lookin like the smart pick. But the texans are playing a pretty bad titans offense, the panthers are playing the horrid cardinals offense, and the chiefs are playing a shaky but not bad rams offense (however skill wise they probably are the best of these defenses). So who do you guys think i should play? im leaning to the raiders currently.

Can I play Terminator Salvation on Easy then beat the final chapter on hard and get the hard trophy?

I played Resistance 2 on easy then the last part on hard and got the trophy, will this work in this game or others?

Have the Red Hot Chili Peppers made their mark in rock music?

i would celebrate if they made it into the hall of fame by listening to their music for a whole week, i love the RHCP they have made a big fan out of me, my favorite band is nirvana, but the RHCP are one of my favorites, they are so unique, its like, what band can cover their songs? just imagine the green day lead singer rapping, it doesnt fit well does it? lol. by the way i just used green day as an example, pretty hard to compare RHCP to another band when RHCP have a sound ive never heard from any other band

I'm designing a cartoon and I need some help?

For the Kangaroo name him/her, "Joey" which can be either male or female as for the bunny name him, "Clyde" which is perfect since Clyde sounds like a name of a killer and your bunny is insane and blood and thirsty. Joey and Clyde...hmm...

Do you have any idea why...?

No i dont see anything wrong with the question u asked,but i didnt read it,my Qs are getting deleted to those low life @$##**$@

Thawing chicken in refrigerator?

Take it out of the freezer now and put it in the fridge. You can leave it there for a couple of days. I like chicken, what time should I get there? And what kind of wine should I bring?

Do you think she drowned herself to look after him in heaven?

hi ahh bless what a lovely thought if it comforts you then you keep thinking that ,they are both in rainbow bridge ...together.xx

2011 National Merit Scholars Cutoff?

I live in California and I was wondering what the cutoff for the National Merit Scholar is based on the PSAT score. If they aren't decided yet, when will the be decided? thanks!

What is your favourite poem?

I am needing to find a poem that has four poetic devices in it such as a simile, metaphor, hyperbole, etc. I want it to be about love, and be pretty. Any suggestions? Even if you dont know if it has poetic devices, name your favourite poem :)

-linked Genetics Question, Help!?

The female is EE or zygous dominant. The male is eY or Y-linked recessive but I'm not sure of the terminology on that one. All 32 of the female offspring have a Ee, or heterozygous genotype. All 26 of the male offspring will have an EY genotype or are y-linked dominant.

Sonnets from Macbeth?

The sonnets aren't from any plays - Shakespeare wrote plays and separately wrote poems. The sonnets have nothing to do with the plays - they are a separate work.

How do I solve this physics problem involving time dilation?

A spaceship is moving at 0.75 c (0.75 times the speed of light) with respect to the earth. An observer on the spaceship measures the time interval between two events on earth as 35 hrs. If the spaceship had been moving with a speed of 0.89 c with respect to the earth, what would the time interval between the events have been?

Why hasn't there been any new episodes of the Vampire Diaries?

I have been watching the show since it started and have read all the books but last week they were reruns and I have been checking online on the CW and still I haven't found anything. The last episode was the one where Elena and Stefan finially have and then she sees the picture of Katherine and freaks out and get in a car accident and then theres that black shadow guy coming at her and she screams. Is this that thing that TV shows do when they stop halfway in the middle of a series and make you wait like a month? Cause I don't want to wait! Haha.

What middle name for my baby boy do you recommend?

I think Eduardo Ramirez is good as it is. Why does a person need a middle name? My three sons don't even have middle name.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What is the relationship here?

i read that edgar really loves lydia in earl and fairy if so what is his realtionship with ermine. what does it mean when it says he will do anything for her on wiki ? was that before she died or even after he meets lydia. are they gunna be moments where i hate this love triangle and wanna stragnle ermine and edgar? i watched this anime before but cant really remeber it . also does anyone else think lydia is pretty. how is she protrayed appearance wise? i remeber ppl said she looks nothing like her mother who was beautiful but is that bc of her green eyes? and whats wrong with her hair its normal?

What percentage of Haiti is Christian?

when GOD made ADAM he said he made him in his image ! in the bibles days every ones name meant something ADAMS name means to show red in the face ! GOD also changed others names to have different meanings ! the haitians are in such bad shape i am sure they don't care what color you are ! GOD BLESS !! ps. i am white !!

What is your opinion and defend your position...?

Suppose an article appears on the front page of USA Today which states that Simon spends his free time gleefully clubbing baby seals at the Potter Park Zoo. Outraged at the claim, Simon sues the paper, claiming slander. Does Simon's claim have merit? Defend your position.

Do you like this tattoo idea?

Getting Mel Gibson's face permanently drawn onto your body sounds like a bad idea. Stay away from direct names or faces when getting tattoos, that way if you do come to regret it you can p it off as something else.

How do I know?

I just got 3 Tech Decks today. I think I learned how to ollie, but I'm not sure. This probably sounds weird, but what I mean is that when I ollie, it's so low and so fast, I'm not even sure that I did an ollie, beause the back wheels look kinda low, so they might have not come up all of the way. If you could give me some tips on how to pop it harder or something, that would be great. Please don't leave ugly comments, also. I know this is a weird question!

If you are a biual or a , what would u think?

Hun, don't worry about it. My boyfriend was the same when I was meeting him. For her, it maybe a little uncomfortable to do that .. but when you guys start hanging out more and start being closer, " it " will happen.

How come, even though when something is proven to be the scientific truth, people still deny it?

Who needs the scientific research of generations spanning the whole of human history when you have a book of badly translated stories written by bronze age morons?

How do u come to terms with stuff.?

Ok well wen i was 13 my father was put in jail for a crime that he did not commit, and i no that for a fact because they said he hurt me and my sister ualy and i no he never touched me at all and my sister was with me twenty four seven, and then my mother took us kids away from our family that we grew up with and she stoped all contact and i never got to say bye to my grandmother, grandfather, aunts and uncles, cousens, and even my father, and my mother started abuseing me and my lil brother extreemly bad, and then she got back together with her high school sweet heart, and we moved to his house and this was about 2 years after she took us away from our family, and she and her boyfriend were abuseing me and my lil brother preaty darn bad, liek they would make us get up everyday at 5 o clock in tha morning and go out side sometimes bare foot, and then make us work like really hard work and then my moms bf would be hiting me and stuff and my mom would be laughing and be recording it on the video cam, and he would like be hiting me with wood, metal, hoses, just anythang he could pick up, and by now my liil bro and i have no self respect for ourselfs because for a long time people have told us we are nothing and will never be anythang, and then i ran away alot and the police would not do anythang they would just take me back to their place after they found me, and one day i got kicked out of school for fighting my older sister because she hates me and stuff and i no that bec she has told it to me since i was younder, anyway my mom and her bf sent me to a shelter and i was their for 4 weeks or so and then my mom let me move in wid my grandparents and one day i went to work and my lil bro ran away to my grandparents were i was and well they never came after him and he has been their sincdee then i moved away to a dif state bec i got in contact with my family my mom took me away from and i moved in their house, and while i was gone for all that time my grandmother ped away, and my dad is still in jail, and my family is fallin apart again my grand father married some lady that is mean and is trying to make him not have any contact with us, then one day i got a call and it turns out my moms bf was ing my sister and i have 3 , 1 is oler the other 2 are younger and i just dont no what t do, my moms bf is in jail now, but my mom is standing by him and not her own kids AGAIN so my mom does not have any of her kids anymore, and i dont no i am just so depressed i want to die so bad but i am not going to hurt myself really bad because of my younger sisters and brothers i have to stay alive to protect them the best i can, and in some way i fill it is my fault that, that happened to my sisters because wen we were in that other state befor she moves us with her bf, i could have turned my mother in for alot of child abuse but i didnt because i didnt want my family to get towarn apart even more, so i kept geting abused to keep us together, and i dont no what to do now, i mean i am in a good home they are nice to me and dont hurrt me and its just so new not to be geting hurt all tha time but now like i said i want to die so and i dont no how to come to terms with everythang so if u can pls help, and o ya i dont care that my spelling is bad ok so dont tell me that ok thanks for everythang

Why is this happening in Iraq all the time?

BAGHDAD – A truck bomb exploded near a Shiite mosque in northern Iraq following prayers, killing at least 55 people and wounding nearly 200, police said, making it the deadliest blast in nearly two months. People in Iraq say this did not happen during the time Saddam was President.

Does a self BG test hurt?

I got my first Blood Glucose tester today and im to scared to even use it. What does it feel like the first time? does it hurt? does it feel similar to anything else i.e blood test

How many members of each religion do you know in real life?

I know a heap of Christians, and 4 atheists, and then myself and I'm an atheist too. But I don't think I know many other religions as I live in Northern Ireland and we had troubles over religion so people of other religions don't really like to live here.

How could increased levels of greenhouse gases cause anything other than global warming?

I saw a show on tv (pbs...public broadcasting) that explained how if we didn't have the smog and gunk in the atmosphere that protects us, we would have even higher temperatures. Just think, we want to get rid of that smog and gunk so we can breathe.

9-11 doentary movie question?

A friend of mine showed me a doentary about what really happened on 9-11 and about the plane that crashed in the pentagon was really a missel. there was alot in this doentary and i really want to watch it again. if any of you know what it is called that would be so helpful. thank you

Why can't i find a photo of an atom on the internet?

Scientists are now supposed to be able to photograph atoms due to the power of electron microscopes, why then is it impossible to find an actual photo of one? And if it is, please post a link.

Whats a good series similar to the DaVInci Code by Dan Brown Series?

Me and my best friend loved to read and discuss the Da Vinci Code series by Dan Brown, but now that the series is over for awhile, we want to find another series that is as intense. Whats is a similar series that we can read that has the same overall effect as the Dan Brown series.

What motherboard do in need for a Intel core 2 quad q6600 2.40ghz 8m cache 2.40mhz 1066mhz fsb?

Check the link below for Intel boards which are compatible for Q6600. Also the same chipsets are available on Asus, Msi, Gigabyte etc with some additional features.

Whose the top 5 best sleepers for fantasy baseball?

The Rangers have a few good prospects in Chris Davis and Elvis Andrus playing shortstop and 2nd base. The team is so high on these players that Michael Young is being moved from stortstop to 3rd base.

How are the eruptions of volcanoes predicted and what scale are they measured on?

help please my friend thinks they are measured by tons of pumice erupted. also how do they predict the eruptions

The crock from little rock what a joke ?

no integrity , no manners , a filthy mouth wife , no morals , not to mention partial birth abortions continue because of him , so no one died when he lied , how about about 1 million babies a year , taken out of the mothers womb at the 9th month and then killed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! clinton could have stopped this procedure but vetoed it !!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it possible to have a bad reaction to caffeine after years of drinking it?

I've been drinking coffee pretty steadily for 5 or so years, but just recently I seem to be dizzy and nauseous, and wonder if it's from the daily caffeine habit. I drink about two cups a day. Obviously, I know it could be something else, but if it's as simple as kicking the caffeine, I don't need to get all complicated about it.

Should Smackdown change the wwe belt ?

Go back to Undisputed Championship belt but maybe add some unique to it since it has been since years now

How might SMEs benefit from the introduction of a competition law?

Competition Law is imposed to protect organization by deterring other companies from adopting abusive or other anti-competitive practices.

Why do i suddenly have pain after ?

It could be thrush or bacterial infection , or possibly rough ? i suggest going to see your doctor , its probably nothing to worry about about , she/he wil more than likely do a STI test & give you a check !

Would you, should I, adopt a special needs senior dog?

That's sweet of you. you cld bring it up to your mom but if she is hesitant do not push her it sounds like she is stuggling and this situation the dog needs medical care that requires a lot of $$. Plus excerise, care, etc.I wld hate to see the dog get adopted, then she decides it costs too much and he has to go back.:[ nothing more sad, b/c dogs get more attached, I feel. Think hard abt everything.

Isn't it pure arrogance and hubris for some witches to refer to themselves as "Hereditary" witches?

It's entirely possible for a family to practice some sort of magickal tradition, even if they don't call themselves Witches or magickians. (My father's family did some things--lots of "lucky charms" and sympathetic magick with simple tools like twine--under the name "Stuff we don't tell our pastor about.") That said, I think that perhaps one or two percent of the people who claim the title "hereditary Witch" can legitimately claim the title. I wouldn't use it myself.

According to this ad, ' young women want me '. Now, doesn't that just take the cake!?

they are looking for older men with good bank accounts,and the foreign ones are looking for green cards! i knew one of my customers(coffeee shop),pushing 60.he answered one of those ads.he married a 23 yr. old russian girl and brought her to america.he was happy,but thegirl always looked miserable.when my wife and i married she hugged us and said how good it was to see people who were really in love.she did what she could to escape a life filled with poverty.but she was miserable,and her husband was living in a fools paradise.a sad story all around.ur right,a young girl(in good financial cirstances) would not look at u or me,except to say "gee,u look like my dad!"and thats normal,all the "i love older men stuff" is the lie of a cold gold-digger who uses people,or a desperate solution of a woman in a hopeless situation.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

World cup: Why do people support teams they have no relation or connection to?

An example, for the world cup, i was watchnig a video on youtube ( i was going to post the link but couldn't find it) and it showed how the Bangladeshi were either cheering for Argentina or Brazil to win the world cup, and the nation was divided between those two countries. Also, personally, i have to friends from Bangladesh, they are cousins, one is supporting Argentina and the other Brazil. They really have little connection to these South American countries yet they cheer for them. There's nothing wrong with it, but i asked one of them why they were supporting Argentina, and she said because the men were hotter. that's a stupdi reason.

I need to know the statistic of women in the armed forces?

Can anyone tell me the statistic of women in the US armed forces? I need to know for a school project and nothing is seeming to help me.

Which celebreties do you think are really ugly?

None on that list why are u all mean to disney stars and how can u say demi lovato is ugly ? she is gorgeous i bet u are just jealous of her. Miley cyurs is not y but she isn't ugly. and selana gomez i don't really care for her but ya just saying.

2001 Mazda Protege ES 2.0 on it's third in 10k miles!?

So I bought this very nice bright silver Mazda Protege ES 2.0 last winter. Had 100.5k miles on it. Dealer was asking almost $10,000 for it, but I got it down to 5k with a trade in and some negotiations. It is a gorgeous car, silver, black suede looking seats and interior, all in perfect condition, white gauges, everything lights up red, all power options, the nice Mazda alloys, the factory spoiler, and fog lights, key less entry, it's a sweet ride! But it's an automatic :( When I bought it, I was having a lot of fun with it, it was a really quick car for a 4-banger! I'd peel the tires out, shift it around, do what kids do... well the started slipping very badly in every gear, and I took it back to the dealership, and they replaced it, I had only put around 800 miles on it since I had gotten it. Got it back, they put a used with 60k miles on it in, still drove it pretty spirited, but it went out a few months later, even when I wasn't beating on it, no neutral drops, didn't mess around with the transmission, nothing. I got another transmission with 20k miles put in it. Drove it a few thousand miles, now this one is slipping bad going into second. What the hell!!! I've put 10k on it, I love the car, but it eats transmissions up quick! I have had 3 Mazda's now, everyone had issues, I know they have bad transmissions that overheat from the factory. I have also heard that the 2.0's are notorious for eating transmissions because Mazda used pretty weak transmissions in them. Why is this car eating up transmissions so quickly? I have driven every other car I've owned MUCH harder and have never had to replace a transmission. I've used several bottles of "Stop Slip" Lucas in it, and it's not helping it much :( It's got 112k miles on it now, and will be getting another transmission.

Whose hands remain in their pockets?

This is wonderful. I've missed your poetry and this one is very intriguing. Is this ice fear of something? I have unanswered questions but the mystery is lovely.

So palin is no longer head line news..?

you are in denial ... she is sooooo the big news still ... you are only posting this b/c you arein denial that she is qualified and the dems know it is a lost cause to criticize her ... yeesh ... will you jerks on Y!A ever talk about real issues ... I am about to boycott this forum until after the election ...

What other subliminal messages are there in Disney movies?

Only two of those are real (The Rescuers and Scar's Army), the rest are "Urban Legends." Check out the link below and you'll see that they were debunked as hoaxes, or the overreaction of someone's fertile imagination.

Ok I want the truth and nothing but the truth ?

Since my knowledge will not fit into your little ideologue formation, I will just say to you, what is the problem in the middle east? And don't cry about oil that even the holiest of libs uses. The middle east nomadic Arabs and Muslims have been killing each other and anyone who comes into their path for hundreds of years. The Jews (Israel) have the longest written history in the middle east, and deserve to be there just as much as anyone else.

Describe extraterrestrial life?

If we do find extraterrestrial life wouldn't it be completely different from the lifeforms we are used to on Earth? For all we know extraterrestrial lifeforms probably breath toxic gas or something instead of oxygen or drink liquid mercury instead of water. The genome of extraterrestrial life forms is probably completely different from the organisms on Earth or perhaps they might not even use double stranded DNA or single stranded RNA as a blueprint. Maybe they have a hexagonal-like structure for their genetic blueprints or they might not even use genes. So when we do find extraterrestrial matter, how can we clify it as a life form or just a bunch of molecules bunched up together to make some sort of complex organised chemical elements?

All of a sudden when ever I go to check the files in my doents or downloads they are in descending order?

It is just a matter of changing the settings or properties, you can have them by date ascending or descending Alpha asyou say, the default is a - b descending, just open folder and click on "arrange by" then save or apply and ok?

I need advice on how to get a one year old off of the pacifier?

i took him off the bottle when he was about 10 months and it was no problem but i think the pacifier is going to be alot harder

Are wakeboarding and snowboarding similar?

The basic mechanics are similar, but the landing are WAYYYY different. Snow doesn't give like water. The feel is different and not smooth like water. Face plants hurt a lot snowboarding.

Rate my Blackwing deck?

nice deck...being balcwing its an 8/10...the problem is, is that everyone has been runnig balckwings for too long. The moves then become predictable and easy to avoid/plan for...its a great deck, but you may have to run something else just b/c people are ready for balckwings

Will you forgive me for this piece of trivia c/c, thanks?

Reality! We all gotta accept the changes sooner or later. Sometimes, exercise can do more damage than good. A walk among the flowers in a park, 30 minutes a day, some light calisthenics, can do a lot of good. The things is to unstress yourself - this will help you eat less, sleep right, and focus better. Good poem.

Is this a real life name?

if you watch soul eater then you most likely know soul eater(evans) so my question is, is the name soul a real actual name like if some one was to change their name to soul lopez soul chong soul peterson...etc..i know im such a nerd but hey can you blame me?

What country wants to go to war with the U.S.?

I heard theres a country tht wants to go to war with the USA like it happend recently in like the middle east or somewhere like that and i think it starts wit a L and has a dictatorship idk but is this true?

Auditor page?

I just received my new essment. Parcel ID 17-14-07-01-11-017.00 Property address 2092 Hodges Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46280. I am curious what the "Aged" category means. I am 67 and will be 68 in February. Does that qualify me for any other deduction? Thank you. Judy Ayres

Can you recommend an affordable, clean and comfortable place to stay in bangkok, thailand?(esp in pratunam?

hotels or inns in bangkok thailand. i prefer more the ones near the baiyoke sky hotel (pratunam) because it is very accessible. Although, the price for the hotel i mentioned is for the next trip. this time, i'd rather stay at an affordable and comfortable-enough place. thanks in advance! hoping for more answers to come in. thanks again

Is this enough information for my research project for 100 points?

It depends on your teacher i guess. But id add more detail if you think its not long enough, otherwise its pretty good.

I want to lose about 5-10 kgs this year at least.. ?

Here's the trick chicky, drink tons and tons and tons of water. I hate water, but that's what is really gonna help you drop the pounds like up to 5 pounds a week from just doing that. Eating right and drinking water is like 85% of loosing weight, excercise is only a little part, but yes important. Eat 4 - 5 servings of fruit and vegies a day helps and you don't have to derive yourself of good stuff, quantity is everything!! Try and do 3 - 5 days of excercise, at least 30 minutes of cardio; walking fast or jogging. So in summery drink at least 8 cups of water i recommend 10 or more (60-70 ozs of water), watch the quantity of what you eat, fruits and vegies and excercise when you can with at least 30 min of cardio. Good luck :)

How is this Desktop for gaming?

Its a good choice. The only improvement i can suggest is replacing the CPU by a Core2Quad Q6600 and a corresponding nVidia based chipset motherboard.

The new gap commercial "the girl wants to dance" who else does it hypnotize?

I mean I already love AC-DC, but hate commercials in general and the Gap for that matter. However, this new commercial is entranceing, I really like itsa artistic value. I do not like the short black pants.

Best friend drama?

So I have three best friends, right? My bestest best friend, Mandy, I have known since Kindergarten. My bester friend, Olga, I have known since 6th grade. And my best friend, Dani, I've known since last year. The problem is we all just graduated [except for Dani she's a 6th grade and we're all 8th graders]. And Olga goes to a new school and she's started smoking. Dani is still at our old school and is smoking pot. There's nothing really wrong with Mandy but Dani introduced her to some friends and Dani told her to give them head. They all have drama and sh*t. What do I do? Tell them everything they do it bad? Or just chill it out?

Some one dies, where do they go? They may know, but you may not know, how could this be so?

The Emperor asked Master Gudo, "What happens to a man of enlightenment after death?" "How should I know?" replied Gudo. "Because you are a master," answered the Emperor. "Yes sir," said Gudo, "but not a dead one."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I just watched Brokeback Mountain, isn't it just so sad? :'(?

I didn't even get to watch it with my bf, i had to watch it with a girl... ugh. i wanted my bf to hold me at the end of the movie and snuggle. ughhhhhh. isn't it just so sad??? it's so freaken sad they couldn't spend the rest of their life together and love each other. i was crying at the end. but i tried to hide it. anyways, wasn't it just so friggen sad??

Do you think a RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY would work better for humanity better?

The current Monetary system that the world uses has done nothing but cause death, crime, wars, poverty, and hold us as humans down from progress. What are your thoughts on a resource based one were people arent allowed to put their own personal greed before others and are forced to live free from "wealth or poverty" and can have what he or she wants and society as a whole can move forth faster without restrictions........

What straightening creme should i buy for my short curly hair?

You can't ever find good hair products under 17 bucks. If you use the cheap kinds thats when you damage your hair. The best one is the Chi straight guard. You can not get any thing better then that under 20 bucks. Thats because Professional products only use the best. Unfortunately good ingredients are expensive. The reason products like Suave, Aussie and other brands like that are cheap is because they use poor quality ingredients. Just look in the ingredients of a cheaper shampoo. Most have some form of Alcohol in them which is not good for your hair. I've seen some with ammonium as well. Any professional shampoo that isn't a scam does not use either of those harmful ingredients to clean your hair.

I met someone last year and became friends. We liked each other and it was completely platonic. What is this?

Dude, gay straight or bi, what you had is the experiance that haunts us all for life. Some of us loose that person early some loose 'em late, some get to hang on for a while, but we'll all remember it for the rest of our days.

Do you or anyone you know ever won the Super Lotto or Mega Lotto?

I'm beginning to believe it's all just a conspiracy since for the past 15 years I don't know, never heard of or know anyone who knows of someone whose ever won the Super Lotto/ Mega Lotto! If you know of them, what was their pot and what became of them?

2000 neon wont start?

have a 2000 plymouth neon wont start it does crank battery has been replaced... i have had 2 people tell me the crank shaft sensor is shot.. i have pulled it out and cleaned it up it spins roughly not sure if it should spin... when i tired to start it sunday it would crank normally for about 3 turns then would be a long crank ... i cranked it today and its just normally cranking but wont turn over.... any idea would be very helpful

Whos better Reggie Wayne or Greg Jennings?

Well, if you're talking at this very moment, I would say Greg Jennings. Reason being is that he is Rodgers main target right now and getting a lot of pes thrown his way. If you say who's been better over the years, it would have to be Reggie Wayne. But right now, Anthony Gonzalez seems to be Peyton's 1st look right now and that doesn't bode well for Wayne.

Choosing to believe?

This answer is easy. Men and women lie all the time so what good is their testimony? The Word of God is not a lie and it never will be. Everything the Lord spoke while on earth will never p away. The Word of God is trustworthy but the word of sinners are not. So your example isnt a proper one.

Gettin over a 1 year and 2 month relationship?

Srry he's not thinkin bout you he's thinkin about her. the easiest way to get over him is to probably keep your distance for a while. and if he begs you to come bakk make him learn that you deserve better just stay away 4 lke 2wks. he will *** runnin bakk. but i think he still has feelings 4 dat gurl

He says he will marry you and you say yes.but he seldom calls and he serious?is tha natural for a man?

take it from a man's point of view... I'm not a man though but as long as he's getting what he wants and telling you what you want to hear to keep you hanging on I believe it is.

Anyone know?

Does anyboydy know Adam Dinsdale? HE went to Benton Park High School In Leeds. He Lives In Rawdon. Does Anyone Know Him Or Karen Dinsdale Or Alen Dinsdale?

Joker variation?

I am writing a short story and was wondering, I want to create a charecter that is a combonation of 2Face aka Harvey Dent and the Joker. I don't want to copy them but make a chrecter with similar features. He is a lawyer. Can someone give me some ideas, and reasons why, he is so disfigured or something.

Is there a such thing as too much milk?

my daughter constantly drinks milk, i offer her water and juice but its very seldom that she will drink them she loves milk and thats all she wants, she eats great and i have no problems with her getting a variety plus she loves vegetables , so is too much milk bad for her?? ( oh and its low fat too)

Well I embarrased myself in cl today...?

So we're doing secret santa in one of my cles and I got this guy. We're supposed to write notes everyday to them. I was trying to give him a clue as to who I am, but it sort of backfired. I decided to use lyrics from Elton John's "Blue Eyes" because I have blue eyes, I thought it would be better than saying "Yep, I have blue eyes." But apparently I should have just written that because he started laughing when he was reading it. And one of the girls in my cl read it out loud. So now he thinks that his secret santa wrote a poem about him, bleh I don't even like him. So now I'm absolutely dreading Friday, when we let each other know who's secret santa we are. Ugh...What do I do? What do you think I should write on my note for him tomorrow? Please help...I'm freaking out here.

Is the National Education ociation Democratic or Republican?

I have to do a project on it for school and I couldn't find any information about it's party affiliation. Can you please give me the site where you found the information? Thank you so much!

How much is my graphic card worth?

My graphic card is a ATI Radeon 9200 SE AGP. And I was also wondering if it is the same type of card like the GeForce series. Because i was thinking about selling this one and buying a better card, and thinking if GeForce is compatible with my PC.(Windows Xp home edition)

How to get back or even with a b**** college teacher?

So i got stuck in this anthropology cl in college and the teacher is from the Czech Republic, now no offense to people from there but she is just a big jerk. She has some very strange teaching methods, always extends cl a good 10-15 minutes after its over and scolds us if we leave (some of us have cles to get to across campus and jobs as well). Her accent is very bad and hard to understand, but the thing is she words her tests very confusingly (just like the way she talks) and when i confronted her about it she told me i was wrong and that i just had to study harder. Does any one have any ideas on how to get rid of this b****? and dont say drop the cl, its too late for that.

Why is channel 2 the worst channel bd picture?

I don't know the technical details, but the signal on channel 2 is generally bad no matter where you are. It's very low frequency makes it hard to tune in. Fortunately since digital TV has come they moved to higher frequencies, but still often lower than other channels.

Frustrated with not losing weight?

It could be lots of things, but try this... read about cortisol on the internet. If you get too much cortisol (which can occur when working out at a high intensity) it triggers your body to save your fat! It is a fight or flight mechanism and it thinks all that sudden exercise is because of some crises, so it is saving up your fat for later... Instead of your hard-core long workouts, try going for a nice brisk walk for a half hour in the morning and add a little yoga or pilates a couple times a week. I'll bet you'll find your body responds much better- I hope.

Which goverment type is the best? *pre-included list*?

Parliamentary monarchy suits me just fine. I like the idea of the top job being denied to a politician.

What's the nameof the song that goes"don't say you love me, tell me you want me?"It mightbe a MightyBoosh song?

I heard the song at the Mighty Boosh live show in 2008 in Plymouth, I'm not sure if it was written for the Boosh or not.

Should we rescind NAFTA?

Isn't it the main reason for the exportation of jobs? I love all the cheap goods from China except food and I want to keep them but shouldn't we bring the manufacturing jobs home. I want to keep importing goods that are historically Chinese, but things that were traditionally made in U.S.A. should come home. Nixon opened trade with China and I was very happy about it. In fact, although I am a Democrat, I voted for Nixon for that reason and because he said he would stop the Vietnamese war. He did both. Who ever dreamed it would come to this, that China would take over manufacturing nearly everything we use. I wanted to trade their goods for ours, not have them make everything we buy! Question 2. Do I have any idea what I am talking about?